Mouvement Physio
In motion. Pain-free.
Physiotherapy clinics in Laval and Saint-Jérôme.
We help people live pain-free. We help you prevent and heal your pain quickly so you can stay active and continue to enjoy life.
Personalized. Modern. High-end.
Comfortable, just like home
You and your health deserve the best
To ensure your privacy
When the fire is caught, it must be put out before renovating. The pain must be soothed with the right advice and treatment first.
Then, you have to find the cause of the problem and fix it. What caused the fire? We find it and take care of it.
We do prevention so the pain doesn't come back. We build a solid foundation so the fire doesn't start again and the problem gets worse.
Our team is always available to help you reach your goals. Whether it's taking a walk outside to enjoy the beautiful weather or ending your jogging season with a marathon, we are here for you. To help you live pain-free.